Belfast 89FM Listenership Survey – 2022

Thank you for taking the time to share your views on Belfast 89FM with us. All individual responses are anonymous and confidential and the information gathered will be used solely by Belfast 89FM to inform us on how we can improve your listening experience.

All questions marked with * require an answer.

Please feel free to share the survey link on your own social media with your own friends and colleagues.

Completing the survey will only take a few moments.
Thank you,
The Belfast 89FM team.

Question 1 - What is your age group? *

Please select - single choice

Question 2 - Please state your gender

Question 3 - Do you use Social Media? *

Please select your choice.

If you follow Belfast 89 on Facebook, what do you expect and look for on our Facebook page?

Question 4 If you answered YES to Q3 please indicate which of the following you use. Please mark all that apply. If you answered NO, then please move on to Question 5.

This is a multiple choice question.

Question 5 - How often do you visit our website - *

Please make one selection

If you visit our website, what do you find most useful?

Please mark all that apply.

Question 6 - What time of the day do you listen? All times listed are local. *

Please mark all that apply.

Question 7 - Where do you normally listen to Belfast 89? *

More than one choice permitted

Question 8 - What are your preferred ways of listening to Belfast 89?

Please tick all that apply.

Question 9 - Belfast 89 broadcasts to the Greater Belfast and Lisburn areas and we're interested in where our listeners are. Can you please tick your neighbourhood postcode district? *

Choose one option

Question 10 - Have you ever contacted Belfast 89 to ......

Please tick all that apply.

If you contacted the station for any other reason, please comment here.

Question 11 - We’re very interested in identifying how listeners prefer to engage with Belfast 89. *

More than one choice permitted

Question 12 - How did you initially hear about Belfast 89? *

Please choose one.

Question 13 - In your opinion, which of the following best describes Belfast 89’s characteristics?

Please mark all that apply.

Question 14 - Please tell us about your experiences of our on-air competitions

Please mark all that apply.

  Yes No
Do you enter our text-in competitions?
Do you enter our phone-in competitions?
Are our competitions too easy?

In this box, please tell us what type of competitions you like.

Question 15 - What is your favourite music format? *

Please mark all that apply.

Question 16 - Overall, what do you think of our programmes and regular features?

Please mark all that apply.

  Excellent Very good Good Poor
The content of our Mid-Morning Programmes
The content of our Afternoon Show?
Our music/talk mix during the daytime programmes?
Lunchtime Jukebox – Monday to Friday - What do think of this format?
How do you rate our weekend programmes?
How do you rate our evening programmes overall?

We invite your comments on programming generally.

Please leave any comments you wish to make on our programmes in the box below.

Question 17 - During The Afternoon Show on weekday afternoons, Belfast 89 broadcasts features which may be of interest to our listeners.

Here is the list of our current features and we'd like to know your reaction to them. You can make more than one choice.

  Useful information Interesting Not interested Never listened to any Unaware of the features
The business feature on Monday afternoons
The Techie feature on Wednesday afternoons
The Travel News feature on Wednesday afternoons
What's On feature on Friday afternoons
Live studio interviews with local guests

Question 18 - We welcome your overall thoughts on Belfast 89. Does Belfast 89? *

  Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Deliver the music you like
Provide interesting and relevant features
Connect with 45+ generation
Feel like a local station
Have presenters that are personable and friendly
Have presenters that are professional
Play adverts are relevant
Play adverts that sound professional

Question 19 - Many of our advertisers are small businesses. How important is it that all the ads on 89 are local or the like?

If there any additional comments you would like make on any of the above areas, then please use this text box

Question 20 - During daytime broadcasting hours, Belfast 89 broadcasts a news summary supplied by SKY News. In your view...

You can comment here on the SKY News summary which is broadcast hourly during the broadcast day here.

Comment here

Question 21 - Finally, we invite your suggestions as to how we might make Belfast 89 even better!

Please use this text box to make your suggestions. Completion is optional.

Created with Perfect Survey


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