Dessie Flood

Scheduled on

Wednesday 2:00 pm 4:00 pm

Join Dessie between 2-4pm on Wednesday afternoon. All the latest traffic information, weather forecasts, news updates, as well as guests in the studio.

Perfect for a mid-week afternoon Dessie’s show is packed full of great hits from the 60s, 70 & 80s and also a dip into the 50s with a crooner or two in his “Crooners Corner”.

So, along with teasers and craic, Dessie‘s show is hard to whack!!

Dessie is a lifelong fan of music and radio, especially, musically, the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.

Early years influences were through listening to music at home, which his Daddy always had on at the family home…especially the crooners! Dessie enjoys all types music and has been influenced by the Showbands, Rock n roll, Glam rock, Northern soul, Reggae, Pop, Ska, and of course those crooners.

Dessie started off as DJ at local youth clubs in Belfast as well at parties and special events. He also cut his teeth on local radio, through community radio at the Mater Hospital in North Belfast. Other radio experience was gained in Donegal as well as in the West Midlands.

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